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Some Useful Links / Risorse utili

Useful Sites for Your Translations / Siti utili per le vostre traduzioni
The world's most comprehensive dictionary: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, medical, legal, and financial dictionaries, thesaurus, acronyms and abbreviations, idioms, encyclopedia, a literature reference library, and a search engine all in one
Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales
Le grand dictionnaire terminologique
Le GDT est une banque de données terminologiques, il rassemble les termes appartenant à des domaines de spécialité
A wiki-based open content dictionary
Translation links
"For translators, interpreters and restless minds" by João Roque Dias
Virgilio Parole
A great Italian dictionary, synonyms and contraries, orthographic corrector, verb conjugator, plurals and grammatical gender, rhyming dictionary, acronyms and abbreviations
Sapere Dizionari
A convenient online Italian dictionary
More than 13 million words in more than 1000 online dictionaries are indexed by the OneLook® search engine; complex searches, reverse dictionary available
United Nations multilingual terminology database
IATE - Interactive Terminology for Europe
EU inter-institutional terminology database: it contains approximately 1.4 million multilingual entries

Selected Tools / Alcuni strumenti utili

Explore a World of Symbols
Online encyclopedia of western signs and ideograms.
The Language Gulper
Description of main languages, language families, linguistic areas. Information about writing systems, historical or cultural importance of the languages, key literary works, linguistic maps and glossary. 
Encyclopedia Mythica
An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore and legend. Rich and well articulated to browse through and to search for articles. 
Encyclopedia Britannica online
A search and directory site featuring Encyclopædia Britannica, the Web's best sites, news, magazines and more. The Premium Service provides access to the full, updated content of the 32-volume Encyclopædia Britannica through payment of a fee.
The free content encyclopedia in many languages.
Les couleurs du monde
The world of colour: its physics and perception, colour in the French language, glossaries, colour models, tools.
One of the preeminent sites for art on the Web.
Your link to the latest research news.
The online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology definitions.

Technical translation agency

Planet language services

For further information or free cost estimates:
fax & tel: +39 039 6076885

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